What Is Shan'ysy Ancient Stone Healing? A new, natural healing concept that is focused on the natural energies within natural stones. Shan’ysy Stone Healing is based upon an ancient form of stone healing which has been revived and revamped through spiritual inspiration. The revival of the Shan’ysy stone healing has come about through the progressive meditative journeys and inspirations of Spiritual Medium Davie Vickers, Interpretation of this healing knowledge is passed down from the spirit of an ancient Stone Healer, Kwa.
I this hectic modern world of ours, most of us have lost touch with our natural wisdom and healing capabilities. Wisdom and healing energy within all of us has been passed from our ancestors for many years. This loss has huge consequences on our lives today. We have become a world of people who are out of touch with our own inner strengths, wisdom, and healing capabilities.
Many of us drift around looking for answers in all places, many of them wrong places. With the assistance of Shan’ysy you can re-awaken those hidden abilities and venture on “your” journey of natural wisdom, healing, and inner strength.
The stones that are used in a session are as ancient and as pure as this lost healing modality. These stones are blessed by the sun, moon, and stars. Just allow yourself to relax and enjoy this amazing experience of healing of, mind, body, and spirit.
I am excited to share this wonderful method of healing with you. As I have been entrusted, trained, and certified by Dave Vickers International Medium, from England UK, in this Ancient Stone Healing method. I am the only Shan’ysy Ancient Stone Healer Practitioner in the United States.
What Are the Benefits of Shan'ysy Ancient Stone Healing
Release blockages and create balance in your mind, body, and spirit
Bring healing to areas of distress and bring ease and comfort to yourself
Create your inner strengths and healing of mind, body, and spirit
Bring balance back into your life, trust your inner wisdom
Raise your vibration and experience God’s Divine energy and love
Increases awareness and releases stress
Plus, so many more healing effects as Divine Spirit guides us in your session.
Shan'ysy Ancient Stoner Healer Practitioner classes. This is a two day course. Includes course book and a special gift all for just $195 (Ask for details)
A relaxing 1 hour session $75 includes pre talk conversation and post wrap up conversation
The Sun gives us our Spirit and Energy, The Moon gives us our Soul and Emotions The Stones are the Catalyst……