![]() Are You Ready To Manifest All That You Want? Have you ever wondered what all this manifesting talk is about? Have you ever wondered why the same negative stuff keeps happening to you? Do you want to attract happiness? What about money and abundance in your life? What about love, have you asked yourself why do I continue to have the same bad relationships? Are you ready to find out? I will take you on a journey into the Laws of the Universe. The journey into the Laws of Attraction. Did you know that your own negative self-talk is the reason the same bad and negative stuff happens continuously? Are you ready to change the patterns of self-doubt and defeating thoughts that lead to negative blocks in your life? How many of you have been blocked from making your dreams happen? Your thoughts have a frequency, and that frequency is made up of things and matter. These things have energy, just like your body has energy. Everything in the universe is made up of matter, you and I plants animals and anything that lives, which contain atoms and that have positive and negatively charged protons and electrons. All of this has a frequency. What frequency are you projecting into the universe? Patterns create your reality. What is your reality? What are your patterns and is it negative or positive? Let’s look how to change those negative thoughts. Look at your life each day. What are you grateful for? Or have you even tried to find something to be grateful for? When you find things to be grateful for more things to be grateful for can come into your life. Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life. Which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality. Does this makes sense so far? Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute of every day with love, grace, and gratitude. When you say “I can’t or this always happens to me” you are reinforcing those negative beliefs that deep down you want to get rid of. It’s time to re-frame and delete those patterns of fearful worry, self-doubt, guilt and shame. When you are open to receive all that is good with a grateful heart simultaneously the energy expands. In Quantum Physics our thoughts have energy and like the waves of energy it expands. That which you focus on most expands bigger and bigger. Do you understand? Does this make sense to you? We must learn to be grateful for what we have. I encourage you to look at your life and it’s easy to find that which you dislike, but equally you can find what you have that is positive. Instead of saying I will never get out of debt, you just placed an order for more debt in your life to come in. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. This is the Law of the Universes. The Universe, God, the Divine Spirit what ever you choose to call it, Focuses On Where Your Interests Are. Energy Goes Where Attention Flows. It’s time to change your thoughts into positive grateful energy filled words of gratefulness. Seriously. Our mind is a powerful thing, and Thoughts Become Word and Words Become Things. Instead of focusing on what you do not want, focus on what you want. If you want to get out of debt, try saying and thinking because thoughts become things, “I have financial freedom” and say with emotion, say it as though you already have it. Our words carry emotions and feelings for out of the heart the mouth speaks. What is in your heart? As beings made up of energy, so are our words. As we speak our words, we attach emotions to them. Those words go out into the universe and those words are heard and it’s a ripple effect and that emotion attached to them come back to use with intense energy of like. That’s why it is magnified. The Kingdom of heaven is within us, we chose by our actions, our lives and what we receive. There are 3 phrases that may sound familiar to you that you may say, “I hope” which says to the Universe/God/Spirit I don’ have and it creates doubt. “I hope” implies that it can’t happen. It’s what you believe. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Shallow people believe in luck and real truth seekers believe in law of the universe.” Remember Like Attracts Like.” Dis-empowerment come from a place of lack and scarcity. Replace this thought with “I will have….” Change the energy, you must feel it. The next phrase is “I need” I really need this or that implies that you do not have. Change the frequency, don’t worry about how just know that it’s already coming. It happens as it should happen open your eyes to the possibilities. There is not limitations. There is enough for everyone, money is printed every day and it circulates. Stop living in lack and stop focusing on that which you do not have. Don’t become a repellent to what you want. Remember you can always tell what you’re attracting into our life based on your energy. Erase “I need” with “I am.” The next phase is “ I can’t” have this or that. Instead say “I can” have this or that. Your subconscious mind says I can’t means, I am not good enough. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and not real. Your telling your subconscious mind what your reality is it then creates it for you. Visualize what you want, see it, feel the emotion attached to it. Instead of “I can’t” say “I can!” Your words are molding and shaping your life. Thoughts become words, Words become Things. You either “Can’ or “Can’t” the universe/God/Spirit doesn’t know the difference. Live by faith and not by sight. Feel it as if it is happening. After you receive be GRATEFUL. Being grateful brings more of the same into our lives. Everything happens in divine order. “No Limitations!” Follow with “Action” we have to take action, go out and do what it is you want to manifest into your life. Prepare to have, stick your neck out to risk to love even it is uncomfortable. Don’t ask “how” or “when” just know It Is Already Happening. Stay out of your head that creates obstacles which is what you do not want. One final thought I share with you, I know the Law of Attraction is real and all you desire can happen by manifesting it. I had been single for many years and I didn’t bring the right relationships into my life because of my thoughts and actions. I tell you to be “detailed and specific in what you want.” I made a list in detail of what I wanted in a relationship (not what I did not want). I prayed over that list and I burned it and cast it into the universe. I let the universe/God work. The “Action” I took was to remove and make room in my home for it to happen. Cleaned out closets, gave away and threw away stuff. I was grateful each day for that which I knew was on its way. And then it happened, this amazing person who had all the qualities on my list came into my life. My point is that you can create all you desire by Words, Thoughts, and Actions. If you want to have more money or have financial freedom change your thoughts Don’t say “ I want to get out of DEBT” for that is what you bring more of is “DEBT.” Say instead “I have Financial Freedom.” “I have Loving Relationships,” not “I Will NEVER HAVE” for that is what you will “RECEIVE.” Place the order into the Universe/God/Spirit what ever you call the energy. “THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND ACTIONS” Everything is in the present. Let go and Release. What can I give, How can I serve? Create a visual, imagine it, feel it and then act on it. I can show you how to manifest abundance in your life. I will assist you in the process and give you the tools to change those thoughts in to positive words that will create positive things. Energy Goes Where Attention Flows. I will help you create a different mind set that will bring in to your life abundance. Email me to schedule your free discovery call. Manifest all you want in your life NOW. Create Goals, Create Change www.crystalwater.life [email protected]