![]() Balancing Chakras with doTERRA Essential Oils Chakras are the energy centres where energy flows through our body, so if you are feeling sluggish either physically, emotionally or spiritually then you may need to balance your chakras. Why doTERRA essential oils for balancing chakras? They are the most pure and potent oils on the planet! doTERRA sources all their plants, trees and herbs from the place of origin from pre-existing farms which is great for local farmers, this ensures the oils potency. doTERRA also run the oils through various test, some of them independent, the care taken in this process ensures the oils are free from fillers, pesticides or any harmful toxins and this is what makes the oils so pure. Why balance your chakras? When energy flows freely and is positively affecting us everything is easier. As doTERRA’s Dr Hill suggests, pathogens have a low vibrating frequency and a negative mental state can lower a persons frequency also. So, when you use essential oils, you have the highest vibrational frequency of any measured natural substance on your side, to help restore balance. 🔻CHAKRA / LOCATION / PURPOSE / ESSENTIAL OILS ❤️ 1st Root / Base of spine, soles of feet / Survival, security, stability / Balance 🔶 2nd Sacral / Slightly below navel / Creativity, soul fire, sexuality / Wild Orange, Invigorating Blend, Cinnamon, Cleansing Blend 💛 3rd Solar Plexus / Slightly above navel / Self esteem, process daily events / Digestive Blend, Bergamot, Wintergreen 💚 4th Heart / Chest area/heart / Love joy inner peace / Breathe, Geranium, Melaleuca 💙 5th Throat / Center of throat area / Communication, speaking truth, holding secrets, feeling heard / Women’s Blend, Lavender, Oregano 💜 6th Third Eye / Between brows /Intuition, make decisions, imagination / Calming Blend, Clary Sage, Repellent Blend ⚪️ 7th Crown / Top, center of head /Connection to spirituality/higher self, life purpose / Frankincense, Joyful blend, Rosemary Staring from the root chakra and moving through the chakras one by one, place a drop on the chakra either directly or with your finger tip and rub in a clock wise direction. Cup your hands over your face when you have finished and inhale deeply a couple of times. Then close your eyes and sit quietly for a moment while you repeat a mantra to yourself…maybe something you would like to manifest in your life. If you would like a Reiki Balancing session or want the oils inbox me. Or go to the website www.mydoterra.com/genakidd www.crystalwater.life
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